Flight of the conchords wamps up the stars in my book.
Flight of the conchords wamps up the stars in my book.
Yeah it does!Woo!Thanks for the awesome rating!
It's not bad but at some points its not very good either like how you just flip the character instead of animating them turning. but it had a good length and tomas' zombie drawing was pretty good. and the voice acting wasn't half bad if not very emotional. Just a few things needed to be work on
Thanks for the feedback. I made this 3-4 years back so Im getting better.
Dont ever stop being amazing
I'll do my darnedest.
awesome frame by frame
Thanks! :D
Nothing to new or interesting sums it up really. The audio is very low quality, there is no colour and like most gg animations no lip sync and minimal amounts of frame by frame. It just has a rushed feel to it
I agree.
This was more or less me figuring out how to use Flash.
IM laughing more at FurryEskimo's review than the video. 'this is a place for art' and 'it's just too simple, too meaningless, and too unintelligent to get any praise from me..' This video was high quality animation and compared to all the other lame jokes and butt humour on newgrounds I thought it was nice to see an animation not about stupid crap like that.
Thank you for backing the animation up:) But different people have different opinions. It's okay if he didn't give me praises or even classified this animation as art. . He's right in some small way:)
But, again, Thank you for your wonderful Review:)
The ranga baby buttcrack at the loading screen will haunt my dreams for years to come
My work here is done
at the very start the octopus has a tencle in a portal but it doesnt hang out of the the orange one on the roof. plus a play button would have been sweet. But this flash is crunk fo' shizzle.
I know, it's hard to keep track of so many arms on a character. Also, yeah, I should've put a button. Thank you!
Not much actually happened in the animation, there wasn't really any movement except for the smile, the pony and his arms. However there was nice detail on him. Perhaps you might want to make your second animation have a little more movement and time. Very almost enjoyable, I did get a little chuckle out of seeing the pony videos author but masturbation jokes are usually pretty weak
In my next animation, there will be more movement and it will be longer I guess :3
And in next animation I'll think little bit more which is "good joke" ;)
Thanks for feedback!
Age 29, Male
New Zealand
Joined on 1/25/13